Finally this day has come: you have acquired the dakimakura you have been dreaming about for so long! Now you can sleep sweetly, hugging your favorite character or celebrity, without thinking about anything. Although... you still have to think about something. After all, sooner or later you will need to wash the dakimakura. How can this be done correctly? To begin with, let's say that it's still better not to wash the pillow itself, no matter how cool the filler is, washing will not benefit him. Therefore, try not to dirty the inner pillow. Yes, you can give it to the dry cleaner, but most likely the cost of such a service will be equivalent to the cost of a new pillow.
As for the pillowcase - it can and should be washed. The main thing is to follow the rules of washing and drying, so as not to damage it and extend its service life.
Instructions for the care of a pillowcase for dakimakura:
- Wash in delicate mode or hand wash mode at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.
- Don't use bleach, whiteness and other harsh chemicals.
- Don't wash with other things if you are not sure that they don't fade and paint.
- Don't squeeze or dry in the washing machine. Don't unscrew manually.
- Dry only the natural way, without heating - on a rope or a clothes dryer.
- As for ironing, gabardine does not require this. You just need to hang the pillowcase on a rope and after natural drying it will be smooth. Ironing a gabardine pillowcase is a bad idea - there are many difficulties and nuances, there is a high probability of spoiling the fabric.
These are the simple rules you need to follow and then you can wash the pillowcase for dakimakura with peace of mind. We put care instructions in every order, but if you suddenly lost it, you can always look here or write to us.
To make dakimakura's life even longer and more beautiful, try to treat her as carefully as possible: keep her away from pets and children, don't touch her with dirty hands, don't eat or drink near pillows, don't throw her on the floor. Then you will have to wash it as little as possible, and it will last you much longer.
In any case, don't worry about the brightness of the print: gabardine is ideal for photo printing, and neither after the first nor after the tenth wash will the picture fade.
If you got into this article accidentally, and you are not yet a happy owner of a dakimakura, rather look into our catalog of ready-made prints and choose the pillow of your dreams!